/r/CasualConversation is looking for new mods — apply within!

  1. What timezone are you in? [in UTC]

    New Zealand time :) don't know if that counts.

  2. How would you describe your personality?

    Extrovert, creative.

  3. What do you hope to contribute as a mod of /r/CasualConversation? Do you have any special skill you can bring to the table?

    I have a degree in flair CSS.

  4. What do you like and what do you dislike about the current state of the sub?

    I like the friendly community, but the christmas CSS could improve a lil'.

  5. Do you have a favorite thread?

    No, but I like satirical AskReddit ones.

  6. How often do you participate in the sub?

  7. What other communities are you involved in? (on or offline / reddit or elsewhere)

    I've joined a local bowling club recently, and tons more. I'm a people-person.

  8. Do you have any other mod experience on reddit or elsewhere?

    Well, on my old account, I had lots of experience. And I guess I still do... I recently became a mod of TMBR, if that helps.

  9. How would you mediate a tense situation?

    Well, it really depends on the context. Are you speaking like thread-fights? If so, I'd try too (in a peaceful fashion) break it up. You know, keep the peace.

  10. Are you willing & available to communicate with the mod team using outside resources? (such as irc, slack, skype)

    I'm always available on IRC, if you need me - so yeah!

  11. Anything else you would like to add?

    Other than you're awesome, no!

  12. Bonus. What did you have for breakfast?

    Muesli :)

/r/CasualConversation Thread