/r/ChapoTrapHouse gets triggered, has Pinochet helicopter flashbacks as Venezuelans take to the streets against Maduro's government and the US recognizes another person as President

Well, as I said the chances of a proper socialist succeeding in the USA are incredibly low so I guess social democrats are the better option compared to Republicans or neoliberals like Clinton and Obama.

Evidently not. And for people who claim that the word socialist was abused too much to the point of stripping away nuance, you lot have done the same to "neoliberal". I guess by your own logic, people will get tired of trying to differentiate themselves and just accept the label.

Key difference is that "neoliberals" actually have won major elections.

I do agree with you here, tankies who glorify everything Stalin and Mao did are indeed quite annoying. Though I do believe a certain level of authoritarianism is necessary to deal with climate change.

If France's gas tax reaction is anything to go by, you'll be in the minority on that among socialists.

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