/r/Conservative reacts to Supreme Court rejecting Texas. Many removed comments and mods locked thread to flared only. Conservatives arguing between "No shit guys" and "It's time for civil war"

As a minority who was born in rural Florida, I'm well aware of this. Here's the problem: being a minority in bumfuck Alabama as part of the US would only be marginally better than being a minority in bumfuck Alabama as part of the CSA, because rural states already have a vicegrip on national politics thanks to the Senate and Electoral College giving more power to land than people. Not much power would actually be changing hands for those already living in red states, and we're already harassed and disenfranchised.

Life would get a little worse for minorities in the CSA, but this would allow "Union" states to finally stop being held back and improve life for the rest. I think it would be a net gain. I am biased, though, since I escaped Florida as soon as I could and would suggest others do the same, but I know what worked for me isn't an option for everyone.

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