/r/fatpeoplehate has been banned

FPH was full of some of the meanest stuff I've ever seen, but at the end of the day it always felt like a place where people could vent, NOT About fat people, but about fat people who do nothing to better their situations, or who refuse to understand and accept that health is an objective thing that these people are willfully leading people astray of. At the end of the day, FPH sent people who came into their sub to argue with them nasty PM's and probably harassed people outside of that (I can't say, I only ever watched from the outside out of morbid curiosity), but they never brigaded people, and really just got more and more mad that people's response to "you're being mean to fat people" was not "We should have a conversation about obesity and fat acceptance because it's a massive epidemic" but was instead "go away, you hurt our feelings and rather than critically analyze our own lifestyles, we would rather live in our ignorance."

I have no problem with fat people-- I know a few overweight people who I'm proud of, as they work really really hard to lose weight and get in shape (and they're succeeding too). I have a huge problem with Fat ACCEPTANCE people, and I feel like FPH existed to make it clear how unacceptable that behavior is/was.

Meanwhile, there are subs out there that genuinely do attack people, or who link directly to other posts with the intent of mocking or debasing that person. I have a problem with the banning of FPH because I feel like Reddit should be standing up to defend them instead of shutting them down. They could stand up and say "we're a place for like minded individuals to find a place to interact with each other" instead of qualifying that by saying "as long as it's a point of view we approve of, or that other people don't get vocally upset over".

Further, if they really do feel strongly about banning FPH, then that's fine, whatever, it's their right, but I think they should be better at saying that subreddits that intentionally seek to debase or demean a set population of people (such as coontown, etc.) should also be banned. It seems ridiculous to require very very specific behavior (like brigading and such) but then to define that so narrowly as to protect some subs and not others (as is convenient to you.


  • FPH were full of really really mean individuals who I am not fond of, despite generally agreeing with their aim

  • Banning them is ridiculous for many reasons

  • If you really felt strongly enough to ban them, you should have banned any hateful subs that you could find, and opened up the forum to allow for other users to suggest subs that are way too horrible to deserve to keep existing.

/r/conspiracy Thread