/r/History mods reiterate their "no Holocaust-denial" position; some users protest that leaving it to downvotes should be enough

/r/badhistory is a vote brigade through and through... most subs will ban you for vote brigading but they actually encourage it. I had a comment on /r/historywhatif that was up voted somewhere around 40 pts... not a ton but enough to show that some people found my view interesting. Bad history brought in their polarized leftist revisinist history vote brigade and next thing you know not only am I being "bullied" in the comments and downvoted into the hundreds in the What If sub but I'm actually getting harassing / possibly veiled threatening PM's. Messaged the mods on /r/badhistory and I'm still waiting on that reply. I think allowing mods to control what goes on in a sub is fine, but what /r/badhistory does is not mod their own sub. They attempt to vigilante mod everybody's sub & that's not okay... we're supposed to have rules against that... I think bad history should either be told to stop with the vote brigades and abuse or the admins should close that sub. EDIT: I had to take down the comment (which was easily the best/most thought out comment on that thread) because things had reached a point where either I had to remove it or start a new account... to me that's anti-intellectualism & it's the opposite of what I feel the general spirit of reddit to be about.

Yeah.... that right there... that's why I took it down.

First time I've been systematically fucked with on reddit.

I realize your probably a /r/badhistory regular and I'm potentially exposing what goes on there... okay, I get that.

But obviously I can't prove (without paying) that I deleted a comment.... although with a little bit of deductive reasoning you might make the leap that if I'm getting bashed on that thread then some comment must have existed.

Anyhow let's say that post doesn't even have to do with me and for some reason I want credit so I can once again be the target... (a little reaching but I'll play along)... doesn't that post on /r/badhistory seem little bit like the magical combo of witch hunt / vote brigade that most of reddit subs mod to prevent?

/r/SubredditDrama Thread Link - np.reddit.com