/r/ukpolitics May '17 [survey]

Might as well share what I said and get a discussion going. Maybe? I dunno. Before any assumptions are made, white working class skinhead etc etc, I live in Scotland and Study Engineering at university.

Who will you vote for in the upcoming election?

Conservatives. Would vote UKIP but they have a very small following at the moment and have lost their identity I think. I cant' explain why but I am completely opposed to Corbyn even on things I agree with. Too many run ins with his privileged supporters I guess. I know its wrong to judge someone based on that but the ones I met were vile, racist, sexist c**ts. The rest aren't really relevant apart from the SNP in Scotland I guess. Indy ref 2.0 is a stupid idea at the moment. In the future? Maybe but right now it isn't.

It was wrong to privatise Royal Mail

4, I don't really know how it would affect the relationship between the RM and other courier companies.

Jeremy Corbyn's actions, comments and opinions on the IRA are morally wrong

Yep. 7

Tommy Robinson is a racist

Would be interested in someone providing evidence of Racism from him. I watch loads of his stuff and while his approach could use some work, maybe, he only protests things that would be crimes and all over the news if they happened to be non-Muslims. Such as child abuse, gang rapes of young girls (and boys), kidnapping, murder, terrorism and violent (and political) Jihad. Criticising Islam is the exact same thing as criticism flat earthers with a large weapons cache. They both present a warped view of reality, they are both potentially very dangerous.


It's more important that my child is self-reliant than obedient

Don't have children. 4

I'd support the general principle of borrowing £100bn over the next parliament to invest in the economy

We have already borrowed a shit tonne. Probably not but I can't claim to know the full picture atm. 3.

Downloading a song isn't really stealing

Actually making unauthorised copies is. It just isn't given much attention because of how widespread it is and a lot of revenue comes from broadcast and other licenses. 1.

Governments ought to spend in a recession

Erm, I guess? Depends on how hard you are hit. Depends on the country. 5.

People are harsher on Dianne Abbott than similar politicians because of her gender and/ or race

Being unable to count transcends all prejudice relating to race or gender. To say it is related to being racist and sexist is a remoaners move and just shows you can't comprehend why they lost. 1.

Capitalism, in general, is a good system

Well socialism has failed almost everywhere is has been implemented and killed far more people than the poster children of oppressive regimes. So yeah capitalism has done pretty well for all its flaws. It aint broken, just needs a tune up. 6.

A politician's personality is important to me when considering whom I want to be PM

Kinda. Bit of both I guess. 4.

I'd be happy to marry someone with strongly different political beliefs to me

First thing that popped into my head.

Depends on how strongly they feel about it. If they'd go apeshit at every little thing and cry racist or sexist (seems to be all political discussion is nowadays) at every opportunity they can fuck off and be miserable on their own. If we can agree to disagree and leave it at that then sure. 7.

If the economy is strong and stable, and the government is running a surplus, it is better to prioritise lowering taxes than spending more on the least fortunate in society

Lower taxes definitely. Sure we can help a bit when we need to but we have our own problems to sort out first imo. 7.

Corbyn would be doing significantly better in the polls if Labour MPs were more positive about his leadership

He needs to be a good leader first and concede when he has too. He acts far to much like a dictator from what i have seen. Sure he is in charge of the party but he needs to consider what the interests of his membership and MPs are too, within reason, even if he disagrees with them. If he did that they would be more positive imo and yes, that would mean he would do better.


The government ought to help with the problem of loneliness among the elderly by providing every pensioner with a pet duck

Clearly the writer of the poll doesn't own a dog. If you have a dog you will almost never feel lonely.

Who is your favourite MP from the party you most support?

Don't really have one.

Who is your favourite MP from a party other than the one you most support?

Same as above

/r/ukpolitics Thread Link - docs.google.com