/r/Wellington free chat on July 22, 2017

I love lucid dreaming! Im working on astral projection (I know a lot of people don't think its real) and I've managed to get out of my body for a few seconds before I snapped back into it, was a very fun experience but not something to take lightly at the beginning it was very terrifying because when you start getting close you get sleep paralysis and you can feel some insane things going on.

One time when I was trying I don't know what happened, I had a single small bong hit (very strong weed though) and after lying there in a mediative state for a while started to feel the normal feelings, but it just so happened I had my headphones on listening to some chill but upbeat music, my vision (eyes where closed) was imploded with bright colours, I could see myself floating through bright orange almost fluffy liquid, my body sensations where going with the music, it felt like Alice in wonderland syndrome (different areas of my body felt like they where changing size) my whole body was vibrating but not actually moving (always happens before AP)

It was an amazing experience and I want to be able to do that again, when you get used to them the feelings on your body are almost orgasmic.

Soz hopefully all that makes sense its the first I've tried explaining that experience

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