RA, Klines, New Directions, and Anthon_Shots

Too many contrived connections to not be related imo. RA allegedly having a PO box in Peru, the AS account organizing a meeting with the girls the day they were murdered. IMO opinion the people suggesting it was a random act of violence are leaning on that for comfort. They don't want to believe that evil can be and are premeditated, plotted, anticipated, organized and planned. You'd rather believe it's like a car crash. Terrifying, shocking but rare and ultimately a self contained event over as soon as it began. The fact is CSAM rings and networks do exist, they are shut down all the time but like a cancer sprout up again. Also I've seen absolutely no one claim that any active ring potentially involved in this situation is either vast nor complex, that's a complete mischaracterization. Nobody is claiming this is the Franklin Scandal or Epstein.

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