What's the best luck you have ever had in your life?

This is a little long...While I was studying abroad in Granada, Spain 3 years ago, I planned on visiting a friend in Switzerland. I knew European transportation was much better than the US, so I assumed it would be easy to get a bus or train ticket to the airport 60 miles away. When I mentioned my plan to my Spanish brother, he looked concerned that I did not already buy a ticket. I get to the bus station and am waiting in line. I hear two girls in front of me speaking English, so I make conversation (my Spanish fluency was no bueno). I tell the Spanish girl my plan to buy the ticket, and she looks very worried that I did not already purchase it online. Well what do you know, I get to the window and learn it's way too last minute to buy a ticket. I panic, because my window is closing. I also was not rich enough to get a cab (~250€). The Spanish girl I talked with in the line got on one of the computers at the bus station to see what my options were. She told me about this ride sharing company, where someone with a car is going to a destination and offers space in their vehicle to reduce the cost. After 10 minutes of searching, she finds one person going to my destination, and he is planning on getting there right before my plane is supposed to take off; it's my only option. She calls him, no response. We call him about 10 more times. My window keeps getting shorter. We finally get in touch with him. What do you know, in the big city I'm in he was planning to meet the other people he was bringing at the same bus station I was at. Only problem, his car was full. He said I'd be welcome to come along if someone didn't show up. It's my only hope, so the Spanish girl leaves her friend to wait outside with me. We wait and wait. Either the guy is 20 minutes late or he already left. He calls the girl and lets her know he's at the station. We rush over. He says 2 people made it but he's still waiting on the 3rd. If the 3rd person showed up, I was out of luck. We wait a few minutes, and he says hop in. At this moment, I was assuming the worst, because I likely wouldn't make it in time to catch my plane. But this guy was speeding like crazy. He drops me off first at the airport, I try to hand him 20 euros but he won't take it, saying he enjoyed our talk. My plane is supposed to be taking off in 10 minutes. I run inside, it takes 15 minutes to get through security. I run to my gate. There's a line. People haven't even boarded yet because of some delay with the plane. I board and make it to Switzerland.

When I got back to the Malaga airport, I went to the bus station to get a ride back to Granada. The other two riders in that car happen to be on the same bus, so we exchanged numbers and ended up hanging out a lot together. They were college students as well and ended up showing me cool places around the city I likely would not have seen.

/r/AskReddit Thread