New York Times removes article on Norwegian Pedophile Ring

Bullshit. Debunking (kek) time:

Fearing yet another witchunt, Reddit bans Pizzagate sub

That was due to blatant doxxing.

Following the ban, one of the earliest examples of media distortion/intervention regarding the subject of John Podesta's emails was the invention of the term "fake news".

The term "Fake news" came into existence far before the PizzaGate hoax. PG came into existence a few days before Election Day, in the first week of November. Here is a Google search query showing all mentions of the term "fake news" before October 31st, 2016:

As you can see there are many examples. You can adjust the search parameter and see that the term has been used in 2015:

And 2011/2012/2013:

Stephen Colbert's Hit Piece on PG pushing the new "Fake News" term, discrediting the investigation

That is not censorship. And how is it bad that Colbert "discredited" PizzaGate? To discredit something that is false is a GOOD thing.

Next, Snopes had released their article on the "conspiracy theory", somehow debunking it, and also branding it as fake news.

Snopes was 100% right in its debunking. Tell me, what did it get wrong? Nothing.

NOTE: the term Debunked has never been used or associated with a conspiracy until Pizzagate. There was a clear, coordinated effort to discredit this investigation, and the desperation to use the term "debunked" was unprecedented until then.

This must be a troll post. Has to be.

Surprise, A gunman storms into the suspected pedophile trafficking business with a gun, branding the issue as a "violent witch hunt" and "politically motivated"


(NOTE: Many of us believe the shooting to be a staged false flag attack. The topic simply picked up too much steam, and they had to demonize the investigators as "Radical alt-Right)"

Believe? Nobody cares what you reactionary, feeble-minded people "believe." Reality matters. And the reality is that one of YOUR ilk who believed the hoax and wanted to delusionally inflate his pathetic ego by "saving kiddoes from being raped by Clinton" ended up acting like a criminal retard. And you have the audacity to blame your ilk's stupidity as a "false flag?

This is a coordinated and focused effort to discredit us. Keep talking about this stuff, keep sharing, keep it alive. The fact that they are going through this amount of money, resources, and effort to silence is. Is only validating our cause. Good speed gents.

More pandering to the victim-complex of feeble-minded reactionaries. Since the hoax was debunked, you began linking it to random pedophile stings around the world. Then you began picking up on any mention of human trafficking by Trumps admin, pretending that Trump was going to save these kids and that Obama ignored then. Utter fantasy.

PS: David Brock, there is a special place in hell for you, you two faced fuck.

Rather than being brainwashed to hate random strawman and pandering to your victim-compex, why don't you go eat some PIZZA?

Out-of-context references to culinary dishes + nude classical art + reactionary partisans + dumbing down of American education + low egos = PIZZAGATE!

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