Why is it racist to blame Arabs not affiliated with ISIS for 9/11 but perfectly acceptable to blame white people for slavery? Both are instances where an entire race is made a scapegoat for stuff they weren’t even a part of.

Hi, I can't say for sure what they mean cause I'm not inside their head but I think I might be able to help explain. First of all, white people DID benefit from slavery in various ways. First of all, there was a great amount of wealth accumulated, and even after it was abolished, equality was not achieved, and has still not been achieved. These injustices are due to the racist beliefs that were perpetuated during that period and used to justify slavery. Benefiting from oppressing communities of colour is a very real part of white history and while that doesn't mean that anyone alive today is to blame, it does mean that white people must try their best to a) recognise what damage has been done, b) recognise how they might benefit from that damage to minorites and c) try their best to help repair damage. Minorities today suffer a lot from the wealth disparity gap, which came from a lack of opportunities, due to discrimination in education and in the workplace. Furthermore, black people are many times to end up in prison for a crime they didn't commit, many times more likely to be stopped and searched, or killed by police. Their lives in many ways are seen as inferior and that's wrong. White people benefit from this by simply not having a disadvantage like this. Having privilege doesn't mean you're life isn't hard. Many white people have definitely lived hard lives, worked hard, studied etc. What white privilege means is that your skin colour doesn't make your life more difficult. It doesn't make you scared to wear a hoodie, or go for a jog. It doesn't make people view you as a criminal. All of these racist beliefs come from LIES used to justify slavery, and the effects of slavery and the wealth and land earned from stealing from natives and exploiting innocent men, women and children of colour, has very REAL benefits for white people, even today. Second of all, I'm pretty sure they weren't saying that slavery and colonialism continues today rather that the effects of it can still be seen today. Anyway, apologies for this being so long but I hope that if u bothered to read it, it may have cleared some things up.

/r/TooAfraidToAsk Thread Parent