At rally, Trump calls Rubio a traitor for running against his mentor Bush

  1. Trump can't speak in complete sentences. He reminds me of George Bush and Rick Perry in terms of communication skills. He also can't remember what he said days before which is why his positions aren't solid.

  2. Trump, even in the past month (put aside his prior decades of leftism) has come out in favor of D.C. statehood, affirmative action, funding Planned Parenthood, opposing reforms to SS and Medicare that are just objectively necessary for our country to survive, praised single payer, came out against religious freedom for employers which Cruz and others are solid on, questioned our commitment to defending South Korea (which matters a ton to me since I have family who sacrificed greatly to let South Korea be free 60 years ago), wouldn't commit to undoing the Iran deal once in office, and has endorsed protectionist policies (showing he doesn't understand basic comparative advantage) and thus violating our international commitments like NAFTA. He also says he wants to bring back most of the illegal immigrants he ships out and give them legal status if they pass an unspecified test. Oh, and wants to increase taxes on investments above where they are now. Yes, look up any of these.

Most recently, look at what he said about the Bible today. As Ben Shapiro said it's no different than Obama's White Sox answer from years ago that conservatives shat on.

He's a populist. He says what working class whites want to hear, many are old times blue collar Democrats, not all tea party conservatives by a long shot. Nothing wrong with him being that, but it is different from being a conservative.

I don't support any of these but Bush, Christie, Kasich, Graham, Santorum and Pataki are all more conservative than Trump. All have been called big government RINOs countless times.

Go ahead and vote for a loud mouth asshole because he don't take no shit. Or do you have a better reason that I'm missing? I'd like to hear it.

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