Rand Paul on why Republicans should care about Selma

You are clearly trying to portray him as a supporter of discrimination by not explaining what he fully believes on these issues.

First off, the voting rights act doesn't prevent states from requiring voters to present IDs, which the supreme court upheld. He has criticized Republicans for overemphasizing the law, but also sees that the law can be reasonable to prevent voter id fraud. The law isn't inherently racist, as anyone is able to get an ID, but I also happen to agree that it isn't a necessary law. That doesn't mean his motives are ill-intentioned or demonstrate that he supports discrimination.

Rand Paul has repeated constantly he does not support any form of racism and discrimination, and calls segregation a stain on the history of the south.

On the Civil Rights Act, he states that "I do defend and believe that the government should not be involved with institutional racism or discrimination or segregation in schools, busing, all those things."

He stated that he would have voted for the Civil Rights Act if he was in office in 1964.

That said, the comments which got him media attention was on the role of government in forcing private organizations to stop discriminatory policies. He understands that freedom of speech protects even the assholes that want to privately discriminate against other people. It's one things about free speech where we wish it never happened, but people ought to have the legal ability to do so because the 1st of amendment of the constitution was specifically made to protect unpopular speech. Again, he would never support such private institutions that do it, and would support protests against such institutions.

Does this make him a racist? Does this mean he against minorities? Does this mean he doesn't care about the events that happened in Selma? No. He does care and actively fights for poor and minority people in this country.

Rand Paul has said that police militarization and the war on drugs is out of control.

Rand Paul wants to restore voting rights to non-violent convicted felons.

Rand Paul wants school choice for poor, minority voters.

Rand Paul wants to drastically reduce taxes in poor cities like to spur investment and development.

This is the Rand Paul that is talking about Selma in this article. This is the Rand Paul that deserves credit where it's due.

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