Rand Paul Promises to Propose ‘The Largest Tax Cut in American History’ (and MUCH more) in CPAC Speech (well worth the read)

There is literally zero substance in the article.

“I propose something truly outrageous. Congress should read every bill.”

The line drew strong applause from the audience, but Paul did not elaborate on the details of that proposal.

Even the article itself says there was no substance there.

“At home our nation needs new ideas and new answers to old problems,” Paul said, evoking the memory of Dr. Martin Luther King.

“Martin Luther King spoke of two Americas,” Paul said.

In one America, he said, we have life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In the other, however, the outlook is bleak.

“In my trips to Ferguson, Detroit, Los Angeles, Atlanta. . . I’ve seen that liberal policies have failed our inner cities.”

“We must break down the wall that separates us.”

There is absolutely no substance here either. What liberal policies specifically? What wall are you talking about specficially? What are your "new ideas and new answers" and what are the "old problems"? This is just platitudes.

Paul also blasted Obamacare, and vowed to repeal it.

“In the mistake of the century Justice Roberts said we must presume Obamacare is constitutional. I’ve got a better idea … As a doctor I will make it my mission to heal the nation, reverse the course of Obamacare and repeal every last bit of it,” he said.

“Obama’s fundamental promise if you like your doctor you can keep your doctor was a lie.”

Ok this is specific in that he want's to repeal obamacare... not that that is in any way surprising. But what about the after effects? What is his plan to fix the healthcare industry? Or is he just going to straight up remove the benefits from those who do actually get healthcare through subsidies and tell em to fuck off while allowing companies to abuse the shit out of pre-existing conditions like they used to?


Look, I could spend the rest of this comment posting every piece of that article and showing you flat out there is no substance but hopefully you get my point. There is nothing in that speech or in the article that is any more than the standard republican/conservative talking points. If you can't see it when, frankly, it is blatantly obvious then I dunno what to tell ya.

/r/Libertarian Thread Link - breitbart.com