An interesting perspective on Millennials in the workplace and their relationship with technology

But he doesn't necessarily make any direct comparison to previous generations or say "this generation is better or worse than that generation". He's providing a very coherent examination on the issues with the current generation and how yes, it creates a different dynamic of their ability to build relationships and expectations for their future in relation to maybe the generation before them. But he doesn't ever outright say, millennials suck or even suggest that. He even says, multiple times, it's at no fault of their own that they are dealing with these problems.

I feel like a lot of people commenting did not in fact, watch or listen to this video. I'm a millennial and what he's saying is pretty dead on and supported by just general observation of how we interact. I think the comments in this is only further emphasizing his point. We don't know how to work and interact effectively because it seems like instead of really trying to have a discussion, a lot of people in this thread are taking unnecessary offense to what is being said and being very dismissive of the valid points he has made.

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