Ranked restriction, chat restriction and game restrictions and end of season rewards mega-thread.

Yes I left games because I was upset and yes I started a game knowing I didn't have enough time for a long game. But I payed the price of those mistakes already and I learned not to do that again so why do I need more punishment? How is it fair to add such a strict rule more than half way through the season that applies to actions that occurred before it was implemented.

there are so many things i want to say about this but i want to keep it short because there are a lot of posts about this and most people have already made up their minds but I just want to add my two cents too the debate.

Firstly it is not fair to add a rule that punishes people for past mistakes, simple as that. If you're going to do this it cannot have anything to do with past punishments because that is absolutely cruel and sad for the people that left games thinking "Oh well I'll serve the punishment and make sure i don't make this mistake again".

Secondly why should low priority queue be a part of this new rule? People DC, people leave games because they have no choice and people get upset to the point that they just cant play anymore this will always happen and you cant fix it, but the punishment for it is already fair. Why be so strict on such a small offense?

And finally the god damn borders. The borders are this games ultimate bragging rights, its the entire reason people try so hard in ranked and even the people who do deserve to be punished work hard for their spot on the leader boards. are you telling people that their hard work and dedication to learning the game is meaningless because they left a few games? go ahead and take away the skins and what ever else you want but leave the fuckin borders alone man. Its not right.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread