RANT Why are moms untouchable?

Welcome to the world of people that are uneducated in how science works. It seems to infect bossy moralizing women that are generally parents, mid to late 30s and love to create social settings for drama. They don't have any background in science at all, and it's all Woo Science, hoaxes and little substance to it all.

It's sort of pretending to trade on the old idea of wives tales and mythical healing because they ingested all that whacky 90s new age shit. They do all this whilst not really understanding the different fields of biology, chemistry, genetics, or scientific testing or process. They do it because deep down they think they know what they are doing. The scary bat shit insane thing is they don't.

As a result of this too many people are dying in an emergency department ER rooms because of medical neglect. A situation where families, relatives etc don't seek medical attention for their kids and relatives and even friends and their own fake patients (!!) treat them with garlic or baking soda. When it goes pear shaped, the last ditch effort realize that, hey the medical community might actually know how to fix this as a last resort it then gets dumped on an ED department. ICU units have intensive care cases for bad cases of measles, meningitis, insulin issues all because of uneducated people treating them with stuff that never worked on the advice of people that started out saying this sort of rubbish.

I am unsurprisingly an evidence based science person that want's to throw my $0.02 worth so bear with me.

First up "Cancer" is about 100 different types of Cancer, and different processes and treatment rates. A skin Cancer or Melanoma, is very different from say Breast Cancer. There are different stages of cancer and different out comes. What any oncologist would tell you (these are people that actually treat cancer with the latest scientific treatments, and are your actual best hope of a recovered or treated outcome) is that the earlier you see any changes and catch cancerous cells, the quicker you can recover.

If you leave it to quacks, the scientifically untrained people that try all sorts of crappy untested stuff to cure your cancer, the more likely it is that they take away your best chances of an effective cure.

I'd slowly stop posting on that facebook group, eventually they will do your head in, that group will turn spiteful eventually but people will start to leave it soon. I'd go hunting for a person to chat to at your local hospital, and chat to a local nurse or a doctor who will be able to point out the more credible evidence based science people and web sites that will be more helpful to you.

/r/childfree Thread