Kendrick Lamar's "DAMN." sells 610K first week (362K Pure). Playboi Carti's "Playboi Carti" sells 15K (8K Pure). Drake's "More Life" goes platinum.

So did I. I bought 4 copies of this Album in fact, and gave them to my friends, in an attempt to Convert them. As Apostles of The Righteous Way of Complete Illumination, we must support his majesty King Kendrick at all costs, it is our sworn duty. We will never be as important as his excellency King Kendrick or his holiness The Prophet Kanye West, but we can find Some Meaning, however little, in our otherwise meaningless and worthless lives by following The Path. It would be Blasphemous to think our lives valuable enough to live for Anything Else. Pure Evil may tempt us, but we must stay vigilant in the face of The Devil and uphold our Sacred Beliefs. Devoting ourselves to The Divine Path of The Chosen Two is the only way to see Light in this world of Eternal Darkness, and his saintliness The Prophet Kanye West will be very kind to us disciples in The Afterlife, oh I know he will. No mere mortal could produce Art on their level of Genius, and the world will realize the godliness of The Benevolent Two when nobody in the history of existence is able to replicate the quality of Works Of Art such as My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy, otherwise known as The Sacred Tome of Enlightenment, and To Pimp A Butterfly, otherwise known as The Key to The Elusive Door of The Afterlife. You are lost and the only way for you to find Peace and Redemption is to devote yourself to The One True Cause, which is to eternally and with unyielding loyalty devote your existence to spread our Beliefs to the Uninitiated and uphold them with unfaltering certainty. Of course, once you listen to those Albums the way they are meant to be listened to and come to The First Level of Understanding, your belief will be impossible to break anyway. I urge you to repent and join our Cause, lest you want to Burn In Flames for eternity. Your life will be wasted otherwise and you shall never know true Peace and Enlightenment. Heed my words, for the End of Times is drawing nigh, and only the Truly Devout and Pious will be protected by

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