[Rant] I'm sick of listening to people whine about their custody problems.

I've actually noticed something among my friends and coworkers with custody problems - there are two types:

Type A: The kind who keep that sort of thing reasonably private, only discussing it at appropriate moments, with close friends.

Type B: People who wont shut the fuck up about it, loudly, every day, every hour, to every friend, family member, coworker, former coworker, old schoolmate, boss, underling, cashier, and dog they encounter. The other parent is 5 minutes late for a drop off? Oooh gurrrl you are gonna hear about it.

And I've noticed something else...let me know if this is anyone else's experience too...the Type B people generally seem to come from families where their parents also had "custody issues" of some kind or another. And so do their siblings. And so did their grandparents. And so do their aunts and uncles. Like for the entire family, having child custody hiccups and issues is just "the norm" and discussing it often is a way of...almost bonding? Getting excitement? Feeling alive? Like, they meet other Type Bs and they get so happy and excited talking about their custody problems together - not just because they can relate to each other (which is totally understandable), but like they almost don't know what to talk about with someone other than family drama.

/r/childfree Thread