Rant: Not good enough

Forget that he treats you bad, because he does. Treat yourself right and leave. You do not deserve to be put down. You do not deserve any of the shit he says or does to you. That's not love. He's selfish. He's a horrible, selfish asshole. And you deserve better.

And the gall to say he's not attracted to you, wants to have sex with others yet wants to stay. Omg I'm angry for you!

You are not pathetic. He has shattered your self esteem and is being manipulative. Save yourself the years of therapy and thinking you aren't good enough when you are by telling him you aren't attracted to his awful personality. Then go get your nails done, treat yourself to that lipstick or stationary you've been eyeing for ages. Hey maybe buy a diary, the first entry can go something like this... 'dear diary, today I lost 80kg. Amazing! I know. Feels good to be rid of that dead weight that did nothing but bring me down...'

Sorry, big rant. But seriously save yourself the heartache. I've been in your shoes. My highschool bf put me on a diet because in his words I was too fat and he was embarrassed if people knew we were together. The thing I wish I could go back and do was have stood up for myself, years of binging and restricting and not thinking I'm good enough ensued, and it absolutely shatters me to hear others are going through something similar. It's messed up being treated like that, to be made to feel we aren't good enough. But you know what? We all have great qualities and we all deserve to be treated with respect, especially from a loved one. It is incredibly hard and can take a lot of courage to leave that kind of situation but just think, when we over come lifes hardest challenges we come out a greater version of ourselves.

If you need to ever vent or even some one to talk to feel free to pm me.

/r/proED Thread