Re: How can I put my 5mnth old up for adoption?

Thank you for more explanation about your situation.

Even if you give her away for adoption, she will still have to deal with your depression, she just will have less insight, tools, awareness of that being an issue in her life, since no one familiar with your depression can answer her questions. She will have less information to help her understand what her struggles are. She will likely wonder at times what was wrong with her to make her own mother reject her. Without knowing or feeling the effects of your depression, how would she understand that you aren't rejecting her, in a way that she will know and feel she's not rejected. Losing you, she'll have many other personal, self-esteem hurdles to overcome herself, and by herself, without you, without your/her family, without anyone who knew you and her (if you opt for closed adoption).

You may be thinking you're making her life better, but you might not be. I was adopted into a 2-parent household who later divorced amiably. I was adopted into an upper-middle class lifestyle and had many opportunities. My siblings, despite also being ethnic minorities teased me for being me. My adopters didn't protect me from their teasing, rather blamed me for complaining - not very loving. We, most definitely, have had our problems, our disputes. I have seen, lived with, traveled, studied, worked with, been surrounded by financially comfortable/privileged people. There's a lot missing in those people too. Material wealth really shouldn't be as admired as it is. I may be wrong, but I sense that when people meet or know me, they admire/envy certain opportunities/experiences I've had or respect some characteristics/personality traits I have, and at first, they're wowed, mesmerized by my family. Until they realize, we're quite a sad family. We're disconnected, disjointed, don't know or share our ups or downs with each other. We're self-absorbed and intolerant of each other. And I'm not my family. I'm not like anyone in my family. If they want to understand me, then the best way is by knowing what I'm not. Adoption has erased who I am and replaced me with what I'm not. I got tired of explaining my complex "family" to "well-intentioned", nosy strangers, people I just met, longtime friends who never got to know my family, anyone who just wants to hear my "exotic" stories but isn't actually interested in just being. I'm not someone's story or entertainment, although TV, media, agencies, family etc all want to hear "great stories", how they can get credit for "saving" someone. Meanwhile, we, as adoptees, are denied knowing our own story, in part thanks to people like you, who are choosing to keep our own stories and histories away from ourselves.

You might not know this, but studies have shown that adoptees are 4x more likely to consider suicide than those who were never adopted. Depression likely played a role, and perhaps being isolated from anyone who would understand why or how.

So, while others may downvote me, label me as a "troll" or "ungrateful", "angry", "ignorant about adoption" (these are common accusations against adoptees), you might feel some of your own depression lifted, bc in some ways, you probably don't understand the confusion, depression, self-esteem issues/struggles that many adoptees have to go through, alone and fitting in nowhere (this is also common for many adoptees - to feel they don't belong anywhere: some will never fit in with the families they were born into; some never fit into the families they were adopted into; some adoptees grow up with 0,1, or 2 families; some adoptees end up with 0, 1, 2, or more families).

The only way you can be sure your daughter will feel like she has at least one family is to be her family - you already have been.

I don't know what has lead to your depression, but there are probably resources for you on treating/handling depression. Sometimes, it can be as easy as finding a sympathetic/empathetic ear.

Is this the first child you've had? Maybe you've never experienced the hormonal fluctuations of pregnancy before?

/r/Adoption Thread