Real health problems for concern? Or is it all in my head again. [Help]

So I've got a handful of major anxiety issues, especially around my physical well being. About a month ago I actually did experience incredibly real pain in my abdomen. It didn't give me an attack so much as a very clear desire to head into the doctors and run blood work, which I found was a surprising way to approach given my usual panic. As someone who has been in your very position I can honestly say that you'll most likely know you've got something bad going, should that be the case. I just knew I had something going on when it first started up. It was like my anxiety took a backseat to my very real concern and I naturally took care of it immediately. What I found out was going on with me was a bit of malnutrition etc causing a pre ulcer. It really was remarkable how well my brain automatically prioritized my immediate issues. Now I'm not saying you shouldn't check out what's going with you should it genuinely be nothing you but it is important to step back and remember that your brain is connected to your body in ways you cannot perceive. If your finger nails are growing, your eyes aren't dried out, you can moved every finger and toe along with heaps of other things then it's safe to say your brain is most likely monitoring your internal organs just as efficiently. Have a bit of faith in the hidden parts of your brain communicating with the other parts of your body. Here's what the normal un-anxious person does: give yourself a set date for these symptoms to be gone by. If they aren't by then- go see your doctor. Aside from all that, yes- so many of us on here have dealt with the same thing. I hate going through what your managing and wouldn't wish it on my worse enemy. I wonder if I'm having a stroke about 10 times a day and yeh it's just awful harboring that fear

/r/Anxiety Thread