Why is there not better help against anxiety?

Another thing to consider is the places where people are to help you, generally are probably less anxious than those who they're looking to treat. It's a problem because depression and anxiety lead to avoidance behavior, which just spirals and makes you avoid the place. I went to a new doctor today for example, which I could of done years ago. I feel like I spent the last two years worrying unnecessarily about certain things after finally making a switch.

The medication sucks. I'm on 60 MG of prozac and 2mg of clonazapam a day, and I always still have anxiety I just take them to avoid WD's. You could say we have improved because we no longer use deadly barbiturates, but medication is never a biological free-lunch. I think about it often too. There isn't really much that eliminates anxiety that doesn't have a rebound effect that causes more anxiety.

Of course there's exercising, and that comes with unlimited refills, but damn is that hard to even consider when you're feeling panicky or depressed. This community is sort of an example of improvements for people who want to reach out, compared to say 1990. That being said, it always seems like "get help" is being pushed in my face and I have no idea where that is.

If someone tells me I need to get winter tires changed, that's just an easy drive down the road. If someone tells me to get help for my mental health, that can mean years and years of waiting for referrals and trying different medications. I do hope they are able to release a medication that isn't toxic and not damaging to your GABA receptors.

All of that "eat healthy", "exercise", etc. I know it's annoying and cliche to be told, but exercise might be the only drug I've found with unlimited refills that works better every time I take it.

I really believe mental health needs to first be handled in a facility just for that. I'm very uncomfortable going to a hospital, and going to a hospital is always a dice roll for a doctor to take you seriously or give you the proper referral. We need centers where it's all mental health oriented. A place where your final breakdown isn't destructive, but a walk to a building you know can help.

/r/Anxiety Thread