Event anxiety

this is social anxiety, possibly mixed with agoraphobia/seperation anxiety, youll need to get a proper diagnoses.

go to a doctor and explain, if your nervous like you will be, write a little note doesnt matter how shitty it is, but it will make your Dr understand that you are in need of help and they will help you. seeing a Dr, is the first step, then seeing a psych to work through the root to your problem, aswell as being on a SSRI which may help you alot. But things you can do before you go to a doctor are get knowledgable on your triggers and try be more introspective, write a journal of your feelings and worries, MEDITATE!! and research 'rumination' and social anxiety because you ruminate about situations to the point where the day becomes a burden and you just want it to be over. I know the feeling, I'm here if you need some help or need to ask some questions feel free to dm me.

/r/Anxiety Thread