Really struggling at the moment. 100 days in considering a relapse

Don't buy it. I went clean for a long time and it wasn't even that bad after the first few days. It turned out I actually didn't really have as strong a desire to game as I thought I would just like you. It was easy! Unfortunately, after being clean for months, I started getting stressed a few days before my final exams. Since quitting gaming hadn't been that hard I justified downloading a 'small iOS game' just to help de-stress a bit. Big mistake. That one iOS game turned into 4 iOS games. Then those 4 iOS games turned a big PC game. And guess where my last few study days for finals went? Into videogames.

So, I'm stressed because I don't know if I have enough time to review everything and prepare for my exams. My solution was to play videogames to make sure I don't review anything else at all... Great job!

So conclusion? Just don't do it. It's not worth the risk. At the end of those few days I found that I hadn't enjoyed myself. Videogames just made me more unhappy and stressed out.

Now for the bright side, I still think I aced all my exams. Why? Because I had been clean from videogames long enough that I was making smart studying decisions throughout the semester :) Now the trick is to get back on track with my detox so next semester goes smoothly as well.

/r/StopGaming Thread