Recently lived the exact reason why we always need an escape plan at parties

I'm very early in my recovery, so I'm constantly looking for advice from people who've paved the way and I would love a little perspective relating to this topic.

Lately a lot of conversations I've been having at AA and among sober friends have steered toward holiday parties and exit strategies/bowing out/not going at all and I have to admit, it's all very depressing to me.

I completely understand the thought behind these strategies and how it's sometimes necessary to peace out of an uncomfortable situation, but the very thought that parties are now something I have to make plans to "exit" is enough to make a girl want to drink again - of course I'm not going to, but man is this idea a really tough selling point of AA.

I was at a meeting last night and a girl was talking about how her office holiday party is coming up and she just started at the job, so this will be the point where she has reveal to people that she doesn't drink, but she said she isn't worried because she has an excuse to leave early. It sounds like she's being smart and taking it all in stride, but what really struck me was how she's already planning to leave the party early. How is she supposed to get to know her co-workers if she's always the girl who leaves early? She's going to be that girl.

Now I know I shouldn't care what people think (tall order, I'm human) and leaving early/suffering possible consequences of missing out on building office or other friendships is a small price to pay for sobriety. Yes, I get that, but I can't help feeling utterly depressed about the whole thing.

Perhaps I'm missing the silver lining here or not looking at it from the right perspective, so any words of wisdom are appreciated. I'm sure I'll be told that in time none of this will matter to me anymore, but just for today I'm pouting.

/r/stopdrinking Thread