Do you recognise this pattern of mental health behaviour - I suffer ocd/paranoia but do you recognize this - this has been cross posted into ocd/adhd and mental health - appologises if this is against any rules but if you let me know I'll delete it where appropriate

I kid you knot I kid you knot the problem is my thinking is rational. I actually worry that this stuff is stored by REDDIT forever and most likely all of our posts are stored at the what is it called the NHS or NCA or whatever it is you know that big massive building that stores everything..ok... what's it called US national defence thing that stores everybodies information.

This is no joke it's not isn't ............... and i'll prove it in a second...

Here is one reason why all this stuff matters.

  1. A professor wrote a book about his time studying in some ivy league university ok.... and during his time him and his students experimented with LSD he maybe was doing experiments or not he was a psychiatrist with a PHD from an ivy league.
  2. He married a woman in the USA and he himself was from what happened?
  3. Because of "BIG TECHNOLOGY" his book became digitized didn't it so when he went to live forever and ever happily ever after in the USA from Canada the US immigration authorities checked in their big brother databases and his name popped up with is digitized book mentioning LSD use and so he was "instantnly banned from ever coming into the USA" he had no criminal record whatsoever and his entire life was ruined totally because of him revealing some random tiny tiny tiny tiny tiny little detail in a book years and years ago that all was because of massive big data being swallowed fact from memory it wasn't even the super secret big massive government controlled data base it was fliipping google?>?? Google books is what caused it....he was forever stamped "undesirable person"

Another example: What happens if any of these people here who write on Reddit about mental health, wanting to cmmit suicide or anything grow up and want to work on a US nuclear submarine? The sort of question you get given are things like "Have you ever said this or that, have you ever approached anybody for mental health help"and often in these documents there are caveats like "10 years jail" if you if you've written something as a 14 year old kid....on reddit which stores everythign forever ....are you then going to put your entire future of working on US nuclear submarines at jeapordy or lie and put yourself in danger of going to jail for 10 years.

It's the same rule on immigration papers and if you're ever asked about a job, if you are asked something that you've ever written down on reddit or anywhere and you get a job because of your lie and that lie can be exposed through a court order to reddit/facebook/google etc then you can technically be charged with fraud which is a "lie to gain an advantage"...... and a job is a financial advantage... therefore

If I was asked have I ever published nude pictures of me dancing naked on a table in a bar with my boobies out or my todger out wildly whilst sinking the national anthem and I said no I have never done that and I got a job because of my lie then technically I could go to jail especially if those pictures were stored forever on Reddit and someone knew about them

Imagine I was being asked these questions by the Morman church and they specifically wanted to hire someone who had never ever been doing this kind of behaviour then technically I would have lied to get a job which pretty much universally in the world is fraud and punishable by a jail sentence.

Ok ok ok I know what your thinking you're all thinking hahahaha this is paranoia..but is it? I challenge you...please tell me where any of the above situation is false or wrong objectively???

That's why I suffer from this bullshit paranoia because I can't logically deny it's truth..because those random thoughts are just one of millions all as valid!!! How can you fight the truth???

I know someone who got fired from his job because he criticized his boss on facebook???

Some of the worlds most poweful people have had their lives ruined because of similar "big data problems" for instance General petraus who got sacked from being in charge of the CIA

/r/Anxiety Thread