Reddit CEO Ellen Pao has "has passed on hiring candidates who don’t embrace her priority of building a gender-balanced and multiracial team."

“We ask people what they think about diversity, and we did weed people out because of that,”

I find this disturbing. Diversity is itself an abstract concept, any intelligent person can see that diversity can be good or bad depending on the situation, you can't expect a reasonable person to say nothing bad about it at all, but that's the point of course. I mean let's break it down a little.

To be better you need to do things differently and having a variety of people with different skills is useful, it is like having lots of different tools. Being different doesn't necessarily mean better though, sometimes standardization is more efficient.

For saying the last sentence I would be fired on the spot. I didn't even mention race, gender or anything but in their minds I am frothing at the mouth and spewing vile bigotry just because I do not kowtow and agree with everything I say. Just because I am not part of their brainwashed group.

Ellen Pao and other demagogues do not really care about civil rights, feminism or gay rights, they are just taking advantage of people's fears of racism, sexism and homophobia. People have strong feelings on these issues and certain people view them as a way to manipulate others, once she had ousted all the white people she would likely turn on her other employees, toxic people like this always do.

I've seen some other comments here complaining about it being "anti-white", I don't think that attitude helps as it happens to be rhetoric used by actual racists. This is anti-EVERYONE (except Ellen Pao and other demagogues). This is the only way to oppose this. You have to ram home the idea of looking at the individual and stick to it. This is about judging people by the content of their character instead of the color of their skin.

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