Reddit, if you die today, and the afterlife hands you a book that contains all stats from your life, which stat will you look up first and why?

Stop reducing emotions...

That's the problem. I don't believe love is an emotion. I believe it transcends emotion. Let me explain.

Emotions are predicated upon the experiences that we have, i.e. if something good happens you feel good if something bad happens you feel bad. Yet if you've lived very long at all you've been in that situation where there was someone that you truly loved that betrayed you. And then you learn the difference, because the emotions that you are experiencing relative to that individual are betrayal, confusion, pain, anger etc. And even though there are a thousand people you could name that if they had done what this person has done, you wouldn't care, but because this is somebody that you love, now suddenly you can't sleep or eat and your overall mental and emotional health is affected.

So simply put, I believe that true love is something much deeper than something as fickle as a motion which is subject to change.

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