Reddit and mainstream cuckoldry

Indeed. People are creatures of habit of course, which is why we try to teach our young good habits, because they're going to develop habits anyway, good or bad ones. Its not a gender thing necessarily, more like operant conditioning of the youth beginning at age 2 when they are first told "No !" when they attempt to touch a hot stove, etc. That's one of the first words we learn, and parents or whomever, use it frequently. At some stage all children rebel, Henry Ford walked off the family farm at 16 to get a job as a machinist. Men and women rebel in different modalities due to social structure and traditional expectations in place at the time of the "rebellion" I think it may boil down to how a person derives stimulation, what gets the dopamine flowing. For some males, it is a technical or business challenge, but there is a huge spectrum as one can readily imagine. For women, they also have a spectrum of potential rebellious activities they can choose. Fucking is one, for they learn they can "get things" if they "put out", and then test the limits of how far they can go with their beta, since most males are beta that's all they're statistically likely to get. So, they get to experiment with testing the limits of the mindfuck strategies they can conjur. Of course the mindfuck strategies are limited in number, there are only so many games that can be played, & what the bible says about "there is nothing new under the sun" is of course true. The same tactics have been employed for millenia. A new car is exciting, for a while, until the new wears off. Same with a new camera, or other material item, which in some minds a person can become a material item and after the newness wears off, another "new" one is sought. This reflects lack of logic or planning for the future of wall-hitting time, or wishful thinking that the next John is going to be the one she sticks with, but alas, the newness wears off again, because AMALT. There may even be some dopamine release they get from dumping a guy, or from the shit tests. So, maybe what is in order early on in a relationship, is a determination of how the person gets their dopamine release. Some of them may get it from "I am tough, hear me roar, I don't need anybody" and walk around all day with that attitude, I've observed this in some. If they have a "I don't need anybody" attitude at the beginning, that's a huge red flag. The fact is all humans need someone, and the non-willingness to admit that should make any man put his hat on and walk. Those who understand and can even articulate "why" they need someone, at least have the beginning of knowledge necessary for an LTR. I think that's right....

/r/TheRedPill Thread