Reddit, rant! What is pissing you off currently?

I'm currently taking a semester off since I still owe $1500 from last semester, so I couldn't register for classes. My parents keep belittling me for it since I could've 'just taken out a loan'. Um, no. I don't have any cosigners so I'm nor eligible for one anyways. They keep saying 'oh your brother did it, I don't understand why you can't'. WELL THAT'S BECAUSE YOU TOOK OUT A PARENT PLUS LOAN FOR $30,000 TO PAY FOR HIS ENTIRE FIRST YEAR. I will never get over that, I literally only need $1500 but they took out a shit ton of money to finance my brother's first year. $30,000 would've been more than enough to pay for my entire 4 years of college. I love them, but I'm seriously considering joining the military just to get away from this headache and pay for college, haha.

/r/AskReddit Thread