Reddit users with siblings born significantly later, 10-15 ish years after you. What kind of relationship do you have with them?

There's definitely some stuff he has yet to work through since my dad and his mom divorced damn near 30 years ago. He's a functioning alcoholic, and a pretty successful one at that. He's jealous of me and Mac, because we got to live with Dad.

My father left my mother when I was 5, along with my 3 other sibling who were 3 and just a few weeks old. He was a terrible father to us, he drank too much, shouted all the time, called us names, physically hurt us. He made us miserable. He is now remarried and has two small daughters who are about 4 and 6. I see occassional posts of facebook of them having family day outs or new things he's bought them like as swingset. We aren't friends, but facebook shows you things that your own friends comment on and we live in a small area where everyone knows each other. I saw another post of facebook of a friend of mine congratulating his wife on her new pregnancy last week. I looked into it and she's due to give birth exactly 3 week before I'm due with my first child. My father will never know I have a child. He will love his own new baby, he will feed it and cloth is and play with it, and he will never do that with mine. It's hard to see him say how excited he is for this new child when he left us.

He comes across like this loving father and it's hard seeing that- it makes you ask, what was wrong with me? Why didn't he want me? He never visited, he never called, he never even paid child maintenance. My mother was very depressed and we grew up pretty poor. I got bullied at school because I had special discount meals, I never had the "cool" toys or clothes, I sometimes couldn't go on school trips. We couldn't do a lot of things other kids got to do and that is largely his fault. He just decided that at that time, he no longer wanted to have kids. I generally ignore it and dont think about it, but sometimes it's hard knowing that he has a happy new life with a happy new family and kids he loves, and he let us struggle.

It's good that you love your brother, maybe he'll come around one day. But childhood is where alot of your abilities to form relationships, your coping mechanisms and other forms of behaviour are formed- if something shitty happnes, it's often quite difficult to let go and grow, especially when there are reminders.

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