Reddit, what are your tips for living a life worth being jealous of?

In all honesty: if you're framing your life in terms of such things, you're playing a losing game.

Someone's always going to have things you don't. You're always going to see people with a bigger house, a cooler job, a happier family (or so it appears on Facebook), and lots of stuff you don't have. Oftentimes, it won't even be a better life so much as a different one, and as they say, the grass is always greener...

Most people don't compare their lives with the world at large; they compare it with the people close to their own socioeconomic sphere. If you're making $20,000 a year, you're comparing your life with people making $40,000 a year; if you're making $500,000 a year, you're comparing with people making a million. Or, put differently: there are already starving people in developing nations jealous of what you take for granted. But of course, you aren't talking about them; you're talking about people within your peer group -- those are the ones you want to make jealous. And you yourself are looking at the people just ahead of you on the happy-life scale. But when you get that bigger house/new job/awesome family, you'll find yourself looking just a little further ahead on that scale, wanting what the next guy has.

You know when you hear NFL players complaining that they're $10 million-a-year contract isn't as much as some other guy's $12-million-a-year? Same thing's going on. They aren't comparing their life to yours; they're comparing it to other millionaire athletes. Many of us think "The nerve of these guys, I'd never complain if I was making $10 million a year," but the truth is that most of us would. We'd start taking that $12 million for granted and be jealous of the guy making a little more.

The life most worth being jealous of? It's one where you're don't feel the need to compete with the next guy. It's the one where you'e able to look at your neighbor's bigger house and smarter kids and cooler job and say "good for him!" without secretly feeling unfulfilled just because he's got stuff you don't. It's having what you want rather than what you think will impress other people. It's being honesty, truly satisfied and not needing more. That's not to say you can't still work harder and hope for more, just that you don't feel unfulfilled due to some personal comparison with other people's lives.

/r/AskReddit Thread