Reddit, what bothers you more than it should? [Serious]

A lot of the people posting have genuine gripes and are talking about things that should absolutely bother anyone. I've thought about this way longer than I should have but I have two things in my life that irrationally and unjustifiably enrage me. I know I'm overreacting, but they just piss me off.

First, and I have been bitching about this for over a decade, when you're with friends and you all agree to order food there is always one motherfucker who says "I don't want any." You ask again - "are you sure?" You do this because you're trying to apportion correctly. He/she (usually a she) says "oh yeah I'm not hungry." Food comes. Motherfucker grabs a "just a bite" or "just a little" or "just leave me a little piece" or whatever the hell. Commit dammit! Either you're gonna eat it you're not gonna eat, but some people care about the apportionment. (Note - I'm not even that heavy of an eater. It's just the principle of the matter)

Number two, and this one is a recent phenomena for me but once I had the epiphany now I can't let it go. When you go to Sam's Club or Costco you go through the checkout line, your pay for your crap, and then you have to wait in another line so some person can check your cart to make sure you aren't stealing. I used to just stand in line and accept this as a fact of life until I had the realization about a year ago that THEY HAVE NO AUTHORITY to detain you. You paid for your stuff. It belongs to you now. Those items in the cart are now yours, not theirs. They are effectively restraining you against your will with absolutely no basis for doing it. So now, I just walk right past them. They've telled at me to stop. They've yelled at me to come back. But they've never actually had the nerve to grab me because they know they don't have the power to stop you if you paid for your things. Think about it and feel the irrational anger at how much time you've wasted waiting for them to check the stuff you now own.

/r/AskReddit Thread