Reddit, what event divided your life into 'before' and 'after'? [Serious]

I'm really sorry for everyone's losses in this thread, but I wanted to make a less negative contribution because this thread started depressing me. I don't mean to be selfish, but just a little balance I think is a good thing :)

Before: Chubby.

After: In shape.

I was never even close to obese, and looking back at pictures over the years, I never really looked particularly fat, but idk. I was a chubby little kid, basically husky. I never looked like one of those little rolly polly kids but I was self conscious about my weight and my body, even though I was very strong. I still had a lot of pudge.

I was also shy, socially deficient, and cut off a lot of opportunities to do awesome things because I didn't know how to interact that well. I had no capability to interact with a girl let alone get one to like me.

I got in shape sophomore year of high school and especially junior and senior year I was really fit (about to finish college, have kept it up). I dedicated myself to learning how to socialize, forcing myself to, getting my own wardrobe (not mom-picked, not all black and grey, no middle school brand graphics, no jeans and hoodie every day). Improving my personality, pursuing enjoyable things, etc.

I guess losing weight and caring about my overall fashion and look was sorta part of the process of flipping my life around, but I see it as a transformation. A before and after.

I hardly consider myself the same person.

/r/AskReddit Thread