Reddit, what is the most unprofessional thing a doctor has said to you during a visit?

I was in a car accident (I was parked, and rear-ended by someone going about 60mph). I went to urgent care two days later, with neck pain. After not initially thinking I needed x-rays, the physician decided to go ahead and order some. According to her, three processes of my cervical vertebrae were fractured.
She was pretty nonchalant and apologized. She ordered me to go to the ER, and strapped a brace onto my neck, sloppily. My hair was pretty long, and was wrapped around my neck. After driving myself to the ER (no ambulance was ordered), I was trying to adjust my brace, to free my hair, so it would stop choking me.
In the middle of doing so, the doctor who was to admit me, ran up to me, yelled at me for not being on a stretcher, messing with my neck brace, and having driven myself (even though the other doctor told me to just go ahead and drive the couple of blocks to the ER).
I was then stripped naked (not in a room, but in the middle of the emergency area), placed in a gown, and given a scan (I laughed about being stripped in front of a bunch of people, not really a big deal for me).
All the while, thinking I was being prepped for emergency surgery, and absorbing the shock that the other doctor was so laid back about what was going on. My current doctor was flipping out and yelling at me, and a bunch of staff.
She screamed, "you're messing with your hair, what are you doing moving, you could be paralyzed.". Yeah, by now, I understood the severity of the situation, alright, but she kept acting like I was an idiot who was trying to fix my hair and make-up while being prepped for surgery. I don't wear make-up, and I don't do my hair. I was just trying to get it unwrapped around my neck. I really think she was taking her frustration with the other doctor out on me.
So, I had a doctor act like my broken neck was no biggie, then I had a doctor who couldn't stop yelling at me.
When I got back to my room, I sat around waiting for quite a while. A doctor came in to give me a prescription for ibuprofen. I told him I didn't understand what was going on, I thought I was being prepped for surgery.
He looks at my chart again, and said, "oh, no one told you? They all misread your x-ray, the surgeon said you are fine, to follow up with a chiropractor, and you are being discharged.". It was pretty hilarious.
In the end, the other guy's insurance paid my 7000 dollar bill. Personally, I think I shouldn't have been charged anything other than the urgent care visit.
To be fair, I saw the x-rays, and unless you knew extreme cases of whiplash could make the bones look broken, due to the 2D nature of an X-ray, it really did look like I broke three bones.

/r/AskReddit Thread