Reddit, what do you need to get off your chest?

I'm not much of a redditor but this caught my eye so here goes.

One of my siblings was diagnosed with clinical depression two years ago and was on 24/7 suicide watch in a clinic with barred windows and no outside view; being pumped full of valium and xanax because it was better for them to feel nothing instead of whatever was going on before. My parents shifted their focus entirely to her and risked losing their jobs to spend as much time as they could with her. Everyday afterschool they would pick me up and we would go visit. We would stay as late as I could, evening visiting hours were between 7:30-10:30, trying to distract her and funnily enough I would keep her up to date with retarded stuff like the freshest (at the time spurdo) meme or something. My parents and I would then head back home and arrive near midnight. Surprisingly I was actually on top of allmy work that year and finished with strong grades. My dad's one of the toughest people I know, and would never let anything get to him. I still remember hearing him break down and cry. Although she's getting better she still struggles with major anxiety and panic attacks. It's hard having a sister who went from being a cheerful sporty teen to all of a sudden disappearing completely from school because of "health reasons" and even harder for my parents. Her old friends ask me how she's doing or why she's not answering then and everytime I just have to make up a lie about how she's finishing high school where my mom lives and looking at colleges. I portray myself as the class clown, pick on people and try to be outgoing to stop others from seeing how I myself am broken and depressed. I hold all my emotions in and take it out on others through fights or when it overflows and I can't help but cry. I never bring it up because I've seen what it's already done to my parents. Most of my friends make constant suicide/depression jokes to be funny and although I don't say anything I just wish they knew how broken (and broke from the medical bills) It's made my family.

tldr: depression and American healthcare sucks.

/r/AskReddit Thread