Reddit, what is your claim to fame?

I challenged this kid, CW, back in high school to a fight because he sold me random spices instead of weed and just blatantly lied about doing it even though it was a face to face exchange and refused to give me my money back.

So I go to CW's friend's house to meet CW. I already gave him money earlier for this, so he owed me a bag or money. I show up and he sprints by and throws the bag into my car and runs inside. I drive down the road and realize its just common household spices mixed together. I try calling but hes not picking up. I spread the word I'm looking for him and his friends tell me that they told him not to do it because he does that shit all the time and one day someone isn't going to just take it.

Monday. He knows I'm looking for him. Everyone is telling him to watch the fuck out because I'm not an easy person to read and no one knew how i was going to react. In the hope he would intimate me, he started talking up a shit-storm. He tried getting this group of guys to beat the shit out of me but when I confronted all of them they pussied out so hard. None of them wanted to do shit. I literally gathered up huge sticks for them to use against me and my fists but they were just all talk. Pussies.

Anyway CW, the kid who ripped me off was doing his best to avoid me. so I publicly called him out during his lunch period and set a date for us to fight. He knew if he didn't show up he would be labeled a pussy forever and this kid was way to narcissistic to not doing anything about it.

The fight comes and everyone from school is at the spot I picked. CW and I come face to face and I explain to everyone what is going on. I said "This guy here has been ripping everyone off and stealing from his friends homes (which i found out earlier). He keeps denying he ripped me off when his own friends are witnesses. He refuses to give me back my money. He tried to get a group of guys to jump me but when i confronted them they were to chicken shit to do anything. And I think we all know he's been talking up a shit-storm this week so we don't really need to go over that. So now, CW, you have 2 options give me my money back or we can fight right now."

CW takes his shirt off and everyone knows its on now. we separate our selves from the crowd but as we are walking he tries throwing a couple cheap shots. I slip and dodge them and give him a devastating body blow. I didn't hurt him that bad but it made him regret showing up. He kept repeating, "Man, I don't want to hurt you." while borderline running away from me. Once he got scared enough he waved over his 5 buddies who suddenly felt like fighting. They never stood a chance.

As his friends approach me I turn around to look at them and CW jumps on my back. I immediately flipped him over my back and step away. He gets up and tries tackling me but he's not low enough so I just knockout him out with an uppercut. I turn my attention the group of guys that are walking over and i starting full on sprinting toward them. the first guy was mid punch but my fist just pushed his out of the way went right into his face. I pushed that guy in another and front kicked some other guy. It was chaos. Eventually everyone spectating was yelling for me to stop because everyone else has had enough. I only took like 7 punches that whole brawl enough though it was 1 on 5.

All those guys were shamed and shunned for a long time. I never got my money back but that moment and a little bit of fame felt so good. It was worth it.

/r/AskReddit Thread