Don’t look now, but the PC is the world’s biggest gaming platform

I don't really despise PC gaming, but I don't like PC gaming attitudes on reddit and various forums.

  • pcmasterrace
  • "We're going to ascend you, brother!"
  • console peasantry

PC gaming versus console gaming is pretty muddy at best. Consoles are the premier platform these days, with PCs getting ported to after-the-fact.

The graphical boosts for PC gaming is pretty suspect as well. Since games were targeted for the console to begin with, the graphical benefits for owning a ($1000-$1500) PC are negligible at best.

And with that you have platform instability and hackers/cheaters (that don't exist on XB1/PS4 since they aren't jailbroken).

For AAA gaming, it seems like consoles are the best bet in town. For F2P, mobilish-gaming, and $1/$5 Steam sales, PCs might be better.

Here is a pretty insightful comment from article from "Operative Me":

I can't tell you the number of times I've made this exact argument in why PC gaming is seeing crappy ports and why "gaming on Linux" isn't likely to compete with gaming consoles. The market for AAA PC games is simply not as important as consoles. While articles like this help, there's some fairly common-sense ways of arriving at the same conclusion: crappy PC ports. PC games used to be ported to consoles. That's because consoles were secondary targets. Now it's flipped. Why? Simple: money. Companies focus where the money is.

PC gaming isn't "dead"...but it is a fundamentally different kind of market than consoles games. AAA PC gaming is losing to consoles. PC gaming is still a very valuable niche, but it's not where the mass market is, and that's why most of the money isn't coming from it. It's coming from games that don't require a gaming rig--- because that's not what most people have.

There's also cultural differences, but that's why the vast majority of PC gaming is looking a lot like mobile-- because it's games dominated by being able to be run on lowest common denominator hardware and to get money after purchase.

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