Reddit, what is your craziest dorm story? [NSFW]

One night my boyfriend and I are walking home drunk from a party. It was a few days before classes and his roommate wasn't at school yet, so we decided we wanted to pick up a few beers for a nightcap and watch a movie at his dorm. Nice end to the night and we get to spend it alone. Cool. My boyfriend hands me his keys and tells me to head back to the room and throw on a movie and he'll go to the deli across the street and pick up some beer.

Sure, I say. So I walk into his dorm. I don't bother turning on the light, I throw the keys in his desk, and jump into bed. I rest my head on the pillow. But somethings weird. I hear rummaging from across the room. Now, his roommate is not there yet, so on the other side of the dorm is empty, with an empty desk and a bare bed - no sheets or blankets. Creepy, kind of. But I'm drunk so who cares. I drunkenly look over thinking "Is boyfriends roommate here or something? "Hey boyfriends roommate!" As I'm looking over, this was NOT roommate. A boy in only his boxers was laying in the bed across the room.

I scream. He starts screaming. He covers his bare chest as if that covers the fact that hes only in boxers. We scream for a full ten seconds. When we run out of breath there is a quiet, staring silence. We stare at each other in fear of what the other is doing in here.

Me: "Who are you?! Where did you come from?!" Boy: "I come from China!!" Me: "Wh.....What?! This is XXX Dorm WHO THE HELL ARE YOU" Boy VERY dramatically says: WHHAAATTTT???????

I scream again. He screams again.

I jump out of bed and grab the keys and run out like a bat out of hell. At this point my boyfriend is walking down the hall with a smile on his face holding some fresh beers for a night alone with his girlfriend. I don't even stop running I just yell THERES A STRANGE MAN IN THERE. I knock on the RA's door and tell her there's an obviously drunk man in the wrong room.

Wrong. Just wrong.

Apparently the dorm for foreign exchange students flooded and all those students got placed in available rooms for one night. My boyfriend was supposed to be notified of this but never was. I went back to the room to apologize but the poor boy didn't speak a lick of English. He didn't even have sheets to sleep on. Just a bare, uncomfortable dorm bed and his backpack of spare clothes. I saw him the next morning and it was awkward. Never saw him again. I always wonder how he tells his side of this story.

TL;DR scared the hell out of a foreign exchange student

/r/AskReddit Thread