Reddit what was your reoccurring dream from childhood?

There a weird nightmare I kept having for years, rarely over the past few years but sometimes it does come back... have been seeing this in my dreams since I was around 6 or 7 years old. Freaks me out, depresses me & I've always run from thinking about it & talking about it.

I see a dark sky, heavy clouds, lightning behind them with the light barely visible & cannot hear a thing.

I start to hear muffled explosions, like artillery hitting the ground from really far. I think it's the lightening but it does not match the flashes of light. The view pans down & there are eye-balls on the ground looking up as far as I can see. White eyeballs, bloody veing on the bottom like roots of a tree & with dark centers which look like glass, they seem like they're empty inside. Suddenly the view gets closer & I see myself inside one, a little kid. I'm trapped in the eyeball & nervous wondering WTF is going on. I try to push the lid (the top, dark part of the eyeball) open & it does not budge. I hear more muffled explosions, view pans up & I can see the eyeballs exploding in the distance, into clouds of blood.

I panic & try to find a way out... more explosions, now the ground is shaking & I can see blood from the explosions in the horizon. I'm trying to get out but am unsuccessful. I'm thinking there's a way I can stop the explosions from reach me, maybe I won't die & will probably be free because of the explosions... but the blood reminds me that I can & most probably will die... I panic, the explosions get closer I struggle, try & find a way out. The explosions get closer & closer I can now smell the blood & see the scary explosions. Mostly around now I used to wake up, sweating, crying & in a massive panic attack. The distance varied somewhat as the dream recurred over & over, over the years. But it's still pretty scary & unsettling.

So that's my weird/freaky nightmare! Sorry, but you asked to share... :)

/r/AskReddit Thread