Reddit, who's the worst teacher you've ever had and why?

This will probably get buried, but here goes:

A really good friend of mine (We'll call him Tim) hasn't had the best luck in his life. He's got aspergers (although now, you wouldn't be able to tell, it was much more apparent when this happened, around middle school), several of his most loved family members died within a year of each other, his mom was diagnosed with breast cancer (although she made it through in the end, at this point she was still getting treatment), and his dad had died a few years prior. He had also just moved to an entirely new area. There was a lot of really shitty stuff going on in the space of a year, and he tried to commit suicide several times in that time.

New school- Enter Mrs. Johnson (not her real name). Well, Tim's strong suit isn't math, and he was having a lot of trouble at this point, around 6th grade. Now, before continuing, I should let you know that Mrs. Johnson knew that he was depressed and had tried to kill himself a few weeks prior.

One day, Tim comes to class and fails a test- And this teacher, she goes batshit insane. Tells him that his mom is wasting money on him, shouldn't be sending him to the school, says that he'll never amount to anything. She goes on for literally ten more minutes, just insulting him and telling him he's worthless. Thank god, he told his mom about it the moment he got picked up, so she was able to keep an eye on him, and they moved schools. Jesus Christ, though, who the fuck would tell someone they know is suicidal that they're worth nothing? It really sucks there are people out there that would do that type of thing without hesitation.

/r/AskReddit Thread