Redditor’s who gave your S.O a second chance after they cheated, why did you forgive them and have you learned to fully trust them again? How is your relationship now?

My exboyfriend (M21) and I(F21) broke up a year and a half ago pretty much so he could live the party life and be wreckless AF with drinking/weed/almost cocaine because of hard things in his family life he was dealing with. We are talking again and I found out recently he had 2 one night stands with a person he was semi long time friends with, about a month after we broke it off, then she told him off that he was a scum bag and needed to get his life together and since then they haven't talked and he has been trying to make himself a better person for himself. I know it's not cheating, since we weren't together but they maintained contact with each other as friends through catching up texts randomly throughout 2 yrs cause she's from Germany and then she came as a foreign exchange student to our college and he had one night stands with her.

We are taking about getting back together in the future, but I'm having a hard time now after reading this thread if one day he will again decide he wants to live the party life and disappear, or sexually cheat on me if we're married just to get a "high" or run away from problems. Can we work through this cause he's apologized about everything we've talked about so far, but I know humans tend to repeat themselves.

/r/AskReddit Thread