Redditors of AskMen, what trait do YOU have that causes relationship problems?

As you'll age you'll develop emotional maturity and begin to care about the feelings and well being of those around you.

This is a totally bullshit argument. Totally bullshit. It's a one-sided, myopic view that is rooted in deeply sexist gender expectations.

Men are expected to be "emotionally mature" enough to "care about the feelings and well being of those around you," which they demonstrate by sitting quietly and silently listening to women bitch and moan about their trivial tribulations.

Meanwhile, men are expected to be "emotionally mature" enough to not annoy other people by constantly whining and whinging about their trivial tribulations.

There is no expectation on women at all to be stoic like men. Instead, women are allowed to whine and whine and whine, even when whining accomplishes nothing, brings other people down, and annoys literally everyone around them.

But fuck me, right? I'm the giant fucking asshole because I dare to think that maybe, just maybe, women should demonstrate some emotional maturity and begin to care about the feelings and well being of those around them by not using men as a dumping ground for all their negativity.

But yeah, you're really fucking "mature" because you've learned to be an emotional tampon. What the fuck ever.

Men like you are why men rule the world. Because men like you have two standards for people, one for men and one for women, and the standard you hold women to is only appropriate for fucking children. This is why so many adult women are just the oldest teenager in the house, because nobody ever demands they grow the fuck up and deal with their shit like an adult, and instead insist that men be "emotionally mature" enough to parent their whiny little brat girlfriends.

It's fucking pathetic.

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