Redditors, have you ever been in a community so toxic you had to leave? If so, which one?

My fucking guard unit. I had good luck with the people I met in the military all the way through training and was looking forward to being in a unit I'd actually be a part of the team for more than a couple months, and I'd actually get to do my job. In every situation you meet some scumb bags, that is just how it is, but for the most part the people I met in training were supportive, and caring, even though you only knew them for a short period.

Lucky for me I got assigned with the best america has to offer. The people are extremely conservative, evangelicals, and that in it's self is not a problem. However these people talk about how Muslims, immigrants, foreigners, welfare recipients, etc. are ruining this country, and if you didn't agree with them you're a fucking idiot. Well I happen to be a bit of a liberal, atheist cunt so we didn't get along. Fortunately for me I am good at holding my tongue, but occasionally shit slips out especially when they started thinking it was cool to talk about someones gay cousin in a derogatory way just for being gay. Besides the blatant homophobia, and racism, they were the least goddamn supportive people I've ever met. Every word out of their mouths is shitting on something or someone, everyone just shit talks other people in the unit and then talks about how we are a family.

I like to think I can get along with anyone, and am almost alway respectful in the way I talk about other people because I genuinely look for the best in them, but these people push me to my fucking limits every goddamn weekend I have to deal with them. It wouldn't be so bad except our work is extremely meaningless. Our training weekends are spent doing computer based training, pointless meetings, and standing around. Unfortunately I haven't been able to leave yet because I signed a contract. I am going to transfer units if I can but it may delay my graduation a semester which I already spent 2 years out of university for training. I am even debating not re enlisting and paying my masters out of pocket.

Tldr: I got assigned a shitty racist, homophobic unit in the guard. This doesn't not mean people in the military are bad people, most are regular, good people just like the rest of us. I just happened to get the shit end of the stick with this batch

/r/AskReddit Thread