Redditors, What's the most disturbing thing You've heard someone say?

Old friend of mine always used to joke about raping people, especially girls he knew. He even made those jokes to the girls.

I don’t believe he genuinely intended to ever do it, but those jokes really didn’t go down well. I think we all just saw him as a bit “mad” but harmless. He was single and likely lonely, and he was the kind of guy who had a really misguided idea about how to impress women.

This was when we were teenagers and in hindsight I definitely should have told him to knock that shit off because it’s a massive red flag not just for potential romantic interests, but for everyone. It’s not funny or edgy, it’s concerning at best and frightening at worst.

I’m pretty sure he hasn’t ever raped or attempted to rape anyone to this day. I do hope he has grown up though.

/r/AskReddit Thread