Redditors who quit right on the spot instead of giving a two week notice, what happened and why?

Worked at a funeral home where the boss (who just so happens to be my cousin) was a downright bully. Everybody dreaded coming into work because every day she would find something new to complain about and punish us for.

We were required to wear a nice black suit and high heels each day. And yet every single day she would complain about whatever shirt I was wearing under my suit. At one point she said "obviously you just don't understand what's appropriate" and took me to the store to pick out shirts for me to wear. I bought them on the spot. I wore one of the shirts she chose the very next day and she still got me in trouble for it. I told her "I don't know what to do, you literally picked this out yourself" and she just rolled her eyes and said to try picking something more appropriate tomorrow.

A couple weeks later I was setting up the chapel for a funeral (I came in an hour early, so we were still closed and there was only one other person there, they were across the building). I was whistling as I prepared the room. A couple minutes later I hear the receptionist (only other person there) calling for me from the front. I approach her and she says "Stop whistling. It's annoying me. It annoys me how peppy and happy you are all the time, if you want to be happy then keep it to yourself."

I was visibly pissed, but I stopped anyway. As soon as my cousin/boss came in the receptionist was in her office complaining about the whistling that morning. So sure enough, the boss calls me in her office and tells me that if I'm caught whistling again she is going to write me up. What the actual fuck? It just seemed so dramatic over what should have been nothing.

At this point I had already decided I was going to quit, but I had already put in a year of school for it so I decided to finish out the second year and then just change funeral homes.

A couple days later, I'm at a funeral across town with a couple of my co-workers. One of them accidentally locks their keys in their company car and asks me to drive back to the funeral home and grab the spare. I head back and walk up the hallway to the keys when I hear my boss on the other side of the door just straight up talking shit about me to another employee, the other employee is vehemently defending me. As much as I wanted to confront her, I was more hurt than anything. I took the spare key back to my co-worker at the funeral and finished it up.

Upon my return, I said my goodbyes to the other employees and thanked the one who had stuck up for me.

Waltzed into my boss's office and said "let's talk" (which is what she would always say to us when we were in trouble) then proceeded to tell her that "as an employee, you're the worst and most unprofessional boss I have ever had. But as a family member, fuck you."

I gave her my badge and walked out, didn't even finish out the day. Apparently after I left she held a meeting stating that "anyone else who has a problem can feel free to leave a sticky note and get the fuck out." Apparently two other employees (out of six total) did exactly that as soon as the meeting adjourned.

Unfortunately (for her) it pretty much divided the family. She never gets invited to holidays anymore and from what I heard the funeral home isn't doing well. Fuck you, Ashley. Fuck. You.

/r/AskReddit Thread