Redditors who quit their jobs in a blaze of glory, what's your story?

About a year ago I worked at a sandwich shop to help pay for my college. The franchise owner and manager were the faces of greed and gluttony, respectively. Borderline cartoon characters. The manager always had a habit of telling people to do his job for him because he was the manager. Mind you, this was his first job ever and he's the kind of dude who would be too busy blowing the owner to ever think he'd have to worry about how he treated his employees. The dick-hole manager had it out for me because I was one of the few people who would call him out on his bullshit (plenty of employees were in high school and had no other job to compare to the shitty, shitty, conditions under which we worked). Well one day the greedy owner left me and the manager to close all by ourselves (usually a 5-6 person job, but it saved the big Boss money and the manager didn't have a problem with it cause he regularly stole hours while pretending to be productive). These guys actually didn't know I planned on quitting like the next day because I had just picked up an internship making 2.5x the pay. The boss left an hour before close and he lives an hour away, so once closing rolled around the manager told me to hop on dish and to hurry up (I'm literally the only person who ever does dish because of that little grudge he had against me). I said "Fuck you you stupid fatass" and threw a bunch of bread and meat on the ground, stomped on it, put it back where it was (virtually contaminating everything) and walked out. Watching that gluttonous piece of shit's face turn more red than a tomato was easily the highlight of that year. They had to close down for the duration of the next day because of the damage I had done. They say to this day those dishes still sit in a pile in the back because nobody remembers how to do them. I'm back in college, and it's sort of a goal of mine, if I ever make it big, to buy that place and make the manager my bitch and screw over the owner with some fine print in the contract. If you knew these guys you'd know that shit would be so easy to pull off too. I hated those bastards

/r/AskReddit Thread