Redditors who rode the bus to and from school, what was your most memorable moment on the school bus?

We had a drunk dude in a suit and aviators get on our highschool bus once. This bus wasn't chartered, mind you; it just ran past our high school and travelled via a very circuitous route to the centre of the city). Everyone went silent as he walked to the back and sat in the middle of the row. How do we proceed? He's clearly mid 30s, stinks of whisky, and is totally surrounded by a bunch of 15 year old dudes who had been, until recently, messing around and shooting the shit.

This being 10 years ago, people were a little bit cautious, until he reached into his bag, pulled out an ipod, slapped it in a dock threw on Black Betty, and started having a one-man party... Which quickly devolved into a 15-man party when it became apparent the bus driver didn't give a shit.

20 minutes later, he got off outside a local bar, throwing a bow as he stepped off and saluting us as we pulled away. I've never seen him again, but for months afterwards, sightings of "sunglasses" were rife amongst the year 9 and 10s, to various levels of dubiosity.

The idea that middle aged dudes could party harder than us was utterly incredible, and opened everyone present up to a totally new understanding of what it meant to be cool.

TL;DR - An practical education in the art of giving no fucks.

/r/AskReddit Thread