Redditors who saved all of their money at a young age instead of "living", and now are 50+ years old, how are your lives today? Do you regret your life choices when it comes to the money aspect?

Under 50 but living free for over a decade now. Some people are producers some are consumers, I chose to be a producer early in life. Started saving my money and investing since my early 20's when I watched older fellow skaters like Christian Hosoi and others lose everything they had. (Christian had a mansion in Beverly Hills for a short time, another legend Jeff Phillips killed himself partly because he owed money to the IRS) I vowed not to let that happen to me, I stopped buying motorcycles and jet skis and other stupid shit, stopped going on snowboarding and motorcyle trips to places like Mammoth, if I wasn't getting paid to be there, stopped spending money on weed cause I taught myself to grow my own or bought wholesale and sold the rest to staff writers from Ivy League schools who are still afraid to this day to go into dispensaries. If I needed drugs I would go to the VA and get free xanax.
Only spent money on computers or equipment for film production that I could make money off, which really are fun toys for me anyway. Because I've been working in Hollywood/entertainment industry since I was 16 , I haven't paid for a ticket for a sporting event or punk/rock show since then, now most of the people I grew up with are execs at Live Nation, Nike, Volcom etc so I can still score free tickets if I need to, even made it to a Super Bowl once but I'm pretty sure I can't score a ticket to Hamilton. Movies almost every year are free (screeners/screenings) because I am usually working as a WGA writer if I don't qualify for WGA that year I still get a ton of free swag from studios and record labels that I just trade into Amoeba records or sell on eBay and justify what I want. Free vacations once or twice a year because I work out of town it's usually somewhere fun like Whistler or NYC or Sundance and it's all paid for with per diem. I'll be getting out of the hellish heat of LA soon with enough money to buy 3 or 4 acres in Humboldt in Northern California and garden full time, and I'll probably make more money up there than I do now even if I don't I'll finally be somewhere were it actually rains and be living free.

/r/AskReddit Thread